Old glass bottle with clear water being held up to a mountain landscape.

Hydrating Your Skin

Practicing consistent self care has a positive impact on your mental health because it allows you to take time to prioritize your well-being. However, sometimes it can be hard to know what activities contribute to self care. Use this list to keep your self care actions consistent from week to week and remember, sometimes you just need a full day to focus on you.

1. Refresh Your Space

Declutter: If your mind feels cluttered, you don’t want the space you dwell in to feel cluttered. Deep clean your “junk drawers” and working spaces, and let go of all of those old trinkets that don’t “spark joy”. Because clutter can impact your mood, the act of decluttering or organizing a space can have therapeutic effects. There can also be some carryover into feeling like you’ve decluttered your mind as you’ve physically decluttered your home.

Redesign: If you’ve been putting off a project of fully updating a space, start now. Bring new energy and life to your favorite or commonly used spaces by using design methods meant to provide energy and balance to your home.

2. Make Time For A Facial

Physical care contributes greatly to our feelings of caring for ourselves. As seasons change or events approach, it’s easy to get lost in busy schedules. Make time for yourself by scheduling a facial. Brightening up your complexion and hydrating your skin allows you quite literally to put your best face forward. Book through our app or visit MassageHeights.com/Facials

3. Use Daily Positive Affirmations

Using affirmations to start your day and throughout your day can set a positive tone for whatever your schedule holds. Try these affirmations to get started.

  • An attitude of gratitude comes naturally to me.

  • My challenges are opportunities.

  • Peace exists at the core of my being.

  • I am where I am supposed to be.

  • My intentions are positive.

  • Conscious breathing is my anchor.

  • I am free to be me.

  • I am thankful for today.

  • I am a good person.

  • I rid myself of anxiety.

4. Aim To Take 10,000 Steps A Day

Purposeful movement like walking throughout the day has numerous benefits to your physical and mental health. These include improving sleep, promoting weight loss, improving blood pressure, and reducing the risk of a heart attack. Remember, you don’t have to walk all 10,000 steps at once. Work up to 10,000 by walking a pet, walking while you’re on the phone, taking the stairs, and parking in spots further away from buildings. If you work from home, consider using a walking pad throughout the work day.

5. Schedule A Massage

Massage therapy doesn’t just afford you physical benefits, it offers a number of benefits for your mental health. No matter how stressed or anxious you may feel when you arrive, a massage can help you feel calm and full of new energy after your visit. Massages also help boost your immune system, which is always welcome during cold seasons like fall and winter. Book through our app or visit MassageHeights.com/Massage

6. Spend Time In Nature

While technology is helpful and entertaining, it can tend to keep us inside more than we realize. An effective way to practice self care is to set aside your electronic devices and go outside. Your mental and physical health is positively impacted by fresh air and vitamin D simply by sitting outside in a green space.

If you want to add some movement to your time outside, go to a park, enjoy a picnic, or take an easy hike in the woods.
