Wet Leaves

Keep Your Skin Fresh and Hydrated for Summer


Keep Your Skin Fresh and Hydrated for Summer

Welcome back, summertime – oh, how we’ve missed you! And nothing celebrates summer more than barbecues, long days by the pool, flip-flops, endless sunshine – and dry, dehydrated skin? Unfortunately, with all of the good things summer brings, it can also wreak havoc on your skin. And while we love summer fun just as much as you do, it’s important to remember to keep your skin protected and well-hydrated during these hot and humid months.

The good news is, it’s pretty easy to keep your summer skin fresh and healthy, despite the elements.

Drink Plenty of Water

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s vital to keep hydrated – especially during the hot summer months. Drinking plenty of water not only keeps your insides happy and hydrated, but it helps your skin stay healthy too. Dehydration can make your skin look dull, dry and wrinkled. Drinking water can help reduce the appearance of dry skin, so be sure to drink up this summer for healthy skin, despite the rise in temperature.

Keep Those Summer Cocktails to a Minimum

For many, barbecues and summer get-togethers means sipping colorful, refreshing summer cocktails. While we’re not discouraging you to enjoy those wonderfully fruity drinks complete with paper umbrellas, be aware that alcohol is a big culprit when it comes to dehydration. You may think you’re staying hydrated with your cool drink, but what it actually does is decrease your anti-diuretic hormone, leading to dehydration. Drink responsibly and drink an 8 ounces glass of water for every cocktail.

Lather Up

During the summer months, there’s no such thing as too much moisturizer and sunscreen. Regardless of whether you’re spending the day out in the sun or indoors, you should invest in a moisturizer with sunscreen to ensure your skin is always protected. The moisturizer will help lock in water, making your skin look more youthful and smooth, and the sunscreen will shield you from harmful UV rays – a win-win for your skin.

Make facials a Summer Routine at your Massage Heights body + face Retreat

For a fresh, youthful glow all summer long, make facials part of your regular routine. At Massage Heights body + face Retreats, our licensed Skin Therapists analyze your skin, customizing facials that are designed to keep your skin healthy all summer long, including deep poor cleansing, exfoliation, our proprietary Therapeutic Aromatherapy and much, much more. Don’t neglect your skin – schedule your appointment at your Massage Heights body + face Retreat, today!
