Massage Heights Facial

Fall Skin Care: 5 Ways to Prepare for Fall


Summer is fantastic for spending time outdoors hiking, biking, on the water, or just laying by the pool. It is also extremely hard on your skin. Even with ample sunscreen and shade, the hot summer days can do a number on your body. Fall on the other hand, is one of the mildest seasons and can be a perfect time to rejuvenate your skin. As 2015 transitions from summer to the cooler, more colorful days of fall, here are five ways to prepare your skin so it looks and feels great this season.

  • Get back on a nutritional diet. Summer can mean plenty of side trips away from the regular routine, including your healthy diet. This can dramatically affect your skin’s health. It is time to get back on a regular nutritional meal schedule with plenty of healthy fresh fruits and vegetable to nourish your skin from the inside out.
  • Exfoliate. Summer is a busy time with so much to do that it is easy to forego some of your normal skincare regimens. To get healthy skin for fall, it’s time to slough off some of that dry skin resulting from too much time in the sun. Stop by your nearest Massage Heights body + face Retreat and receive a customized Essential Facial treatment that includes a professional exfoliation to jump start your healthiest skin. There is no need to be concerned if you have sensitive skin, as our dermalogica Certified Licensed Skin Therapists are trained to customize our professional exfoliation to meet every skin condition.
  • Don’t throw out the SPF. Cooler weather doesn’t mean you can ditch the sunscreen. Although it is more easily forgotten when the temperatures drop, sunscreen is important every season for slowing the skin’s aging process and reflecting off harmful UV rays.
  • Exercise and hydrate. Along with the nutrition you need for healthy skin, regular exercise and hydration is a must. Exercise improves circulation and oxygen flow to your skin improving your overall health. Just make sure to stay hydrated to help replace the water you lose when you get your sweat on!
  • Moisturize and replenish with a professional facial. Give your skin the soothing benefits of a professional massage at Massage Heights to nourish and replenish your skin after a long, hot summer. Consider adding an extra level of nourishment for your skin like our Skin Enriching Facial Elevation. It’s the perfect way to get your skin ready for all the fall fun ahead, whether you are getting the kids back to school, or you are headed back to school yourself.

When you are ready to start preparing your skin for the fall months ahead, let our expert team of Skin Therapists help. Let our fantastic line of skincare products and facial services at Massage Heights body + face Retreats to give your skin the boost it needs. Request a Reservation here!
